
Cisco Nexus 3064-X N3K-C3064PQ-10GX V01スイッチ、CISCO SFP-10G-SR*48個付き、動作確認済み、初期化済み

  • 販売価格


  • 入札件数


  • 開始価格


  • 出品個数


  • 商品状態


  • 返品


  • 開始日時

    2024年3月7日 11:32

  • 終了日時

    2024年3月11日 21:26

  • 早期終了


  • 自動延長


  • あり

  • 出品者ID


  • 出品地域


  • Cisco Nexus 3064-X N3K-C3064PQ-10GX V01スイッチ、CISCO SFP-10G-SR*48個付き、動作確認済み、初期化済み_1
  • Cisco Nexus 3064-X N3K-C3064PQ-10GX V01スイッチ、CISCO SFP-10G-SR*48個付き、動作確認済み、初期化済み_2
  • Cisco Nexus 3064-X N3K-C3064PQ-10GX V01スイッチ、CISCO SFP-10G-SR*48個付き、動作確認済み、初期化済み_3
  • Cisco Nexus 3064-X N3K-C3064PQ-10GX V01スイッチ、CISCO SFP-10G-SR*48個付き、動作確認済み、初期化済み_4
  • Cisco Nexus 3064-X N3K-C3064PQ-10GX V01スイッチ、CISCO SFP-10G-SR*48個付き、動作確認済み、初期化済み_5
  • Cisco Nexus 3064-X N3K-C3064PQ-10GX V01スイッチ、CISCO SFP-10G-SR*48個付き、動作確認済み、初期化済み_6
  • Cisco Nexus 3064-X N3K-C3064PQ-10GX V01スイッチ、CISCO SFP-10G-SR*48個付き、動作確認済み、初期化済み_1
  • Cisco Nexus 3064-X N3K-C3064PQ-10GX V01スイッチ、CISCO SFP-10G-SR*48個付き、動作確認済み、初期化済み_2
  • Cisco Nexus 3064-X N3K-C3064PQ-10GX V01スイッチ、CISCO SFP-10G-SR*48個付き、動作確認済み、初期化済み_3
  • Cisco Nexus 3064-X N3K-C3064PQ-10GX V01スイッチ、CISCO SFP-10G-SR*48個付き、動作確認済み、初期化済み_4
  • Cisco Nexus 3064-X N3K-C3064PQ-10GX V01スイッチ、CISCO SFP-10G-SR*48個付き、動作確認済み、初期化済み_5
  • Cisco Nexus 3064-X N3K-C3064PQ-10GX V01スイッチ、CISCO SFP-10G-SR*48個付き、動作確認済み、初期化済み_6
Cisco Nexus 3064-X N3K-C3064PQ-10GX V01スイッチ、CISCO SFP-10G-SR*48個付き、動作確認済み、初期化済み

SFPモジュール CISCO SFP-10G-SR *48個

switch# sh closwitch# sh clock 
05:04:45.413 UTC Thu Feb 29 2024
switch# sh invswitch# sh inventory 
NAME: "Chassis", DESCR: "Nexus 3064 Chassis"
PID: N3K-C3064PQ-10GX  , VID: V01 , SN: FOC1939R0NW

NAME: "Module 1", DESCR: "48x10GE + 4x40G Supervisor"
PID: N3K-C3064PQ-10GX  , VID: V01 , SN: FOC19416JXA

NAME: "Fan 1", DESCR: "Chassis fan module"
PID: N3K-C3064-FAN     , VID: N/A , SN: N/A

NAME: "Power supply 1", DESCR: "AC power supply"
PID: N2200-PAC-400W    , VID: V05 , SN: DCA210253JC

NAME: "Power supply 2", DESCR: "AC power supply"
PID: N2200-PAC-400W    , VID: V05 , SN: DCA20085DHV

switch# sh envswitch# sh environment all
% Invalid command at '^' marker.
switch# switch# sh environment all

Fan             Model                Hw         Status
Fan-1           N3K-C3064-FAN        --         ok
PS-1            N2200-PAC-400W       --         ok
PS-2            N2200-PAC-400W       --         ok

Module  Sensor             MajorThresh   MinorThres   CurTemp     Status
                            (Celsius)     (Celsius)   (Celsius)         
1       Back-Right (D0)     55            44           23          ok          
1       Back-Left  (D1)     53            42           21          ok          
1       Front-Right(D2)     56            47           23          ok          
1       Front-Left (D3)     57            49           23          ok          

Power Supply:
Voltage: 12 Volts
PS  Model                Input Power       Current   Status
                         Type  (Watts)     (Amps)          
1   N2200-PAC-400W       AC     396.00     33.00     ok                  
2   N2200-PAC-400W       AC     396.00     33.00     ok                  

Mod Model                   Power     Current     Power     Current     Status
                            Requested Requested   Allocated Allocated         
                            (Watts)   (Amps)      (Watts)   (Amps)              
--- ----------------------  -------   ----------  --------- ----------  ----------
1    N3K-C3064PQ-10GX-SUP   349.20    29.10       349.20    29.10       powered-up

Power Usage Summary:
Power Supply redundancy mode:                 Redundant
Power Supply redundancy operational mode:     Redundant

Total Power Capacity                              792.00 W

Power reserved for Supervisor(s)                  349.20 W
Power currently used by Modules                     0.00 W

Total Power Available                             442.80 W
switch# sh licswitch# sh license aswitch# sh license a
SERVER this_host ANY
VENDOR cisco
FEATURE LAN_BASE_SERVICES_PKG cisco 1.0 permanent uncounted \  
                NOTICE=<LicFileID>20160728040132000</LicFileID><LicLineID>1</LicLineID><PAK>N3K-C3064PQ-10GXFOC1939R0NW</PAK> \  
FEATURE LAN_ENTERPRISE_SERVICES_PKG cisco 1.0 permanent uncounted \  
                NOTICE=<LicFileID>20160728040132000</LicFileID><LicLineID>2</LicLineID><PAK>N3K-C3064PQ-10GXFOC1939R0NW</PAK> \  

switch# sh liswitch# sh li
license   line      
switch# sh liceswitch# sh license ?
  >        Redirect it to a file
  >>       Redirect it to a file in append mode
  brief    Show a list of license files
  default  Show services using default license
  feature  Show application name
  file     Show contents of a license file
  host-id  Show unique id for this host for licensing
  usage    Show license usage table
  |        Pipe command output to filter

switch# sh license sh slliceswitch# sh license usswitch# sh license usage 
Feature                      Ins  Lic   Status Expiry Date Comments
LAN_BASE_SERVICES_PKG         Yes   -   Unused Never       -
LAN_ENTERPRISE_SERVICES_PKG   Yes   -   Unused Never       -
switch# switch# sh license usage briswitch# sh license brief 
switch# sh ver
Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
TAC support: http://www.cisco.com/tac
Documents: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9372/tsd_products_support_series_home.html
Copyright (c) 2002-2015, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained herein are owned by
other third parties and are used and distributed under license.
Some parts of this software are covered under the GNU Public
License. A copy of the license is available at

  BIOS:      version 3.4.0
  loader:    version N/A
  kickstart: version 6.0(2)U5(1)
  system:    version 6.0(2)U5(1)
  Power Sequencer Firmware: 
             Module 1: version v1.0
  SFP uC:    version 2.12
  BIOS compile time:       08/07/2015
  kickstart image file is: bootflash:///n3000-uk9-kickstart.6.0.2.U5.1.bin
  kickstart compile time:  1/8/2015 5:00:00 [01/08/2015 14:54:21]
  system image file is:    bootflash:///n3000-uk9.6.0.2.U5.1.bin
  system compile time:     1/8/2015 5:00:00 [01/08/2015 16:47:45]

  cisco Nexus 3064 Chassis ("48x10GE + 4x40G Supervisor")
  Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU        P450 with 3665436 kB of memory.
  Processor Board ID FOC19416JXA

  Device name: switch
  bootflash:    2007040 kB

Kernel uptime is 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 7 minute(s), 30 second(s)

Last reset 
  Reason: Unknown
  System version: 

  Core Plugin, Ethernet Plugin
switch# sh run

!Command: show running-config
!Time: Thu Feb 29 05:05:48 2024

version 6.0(2)U5(1)
hostname switch

no feature telnet
feature lldp

username admin password 5 $1$bvMiYLAj$cgYbqzsdRld81YR7mQoDQ1  role network-admin
no password strength-check
ip domain-lookup
ip access-list copp-system-acl-eigrp
  10 permit eigrp any
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-eigrp6
  10 permit 88 any ff02::000a/128
ip access-list copp-system-acl-icmp
  10 permit icmp any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-igmp
  10 permit igmp any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ntp
  10 permit udp any any eq ntp
  20 permit udp any eq ntp any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-pimreg
  10 permit pim any any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ping
  10 permit icmp any any echo
  20 permit icmp any any echo-reply
ip access-list copp-system-acl-routingproto1
  10 permit tcp any gt 1024 any eq bgp
  20 permit tcp any eq bgp any gt 1024
  30 permit udp any eq rip
  40 permit tcp any gt 1024 any eq 639
  50 permit tcp any eq 639 any gt 1024
  70 permit ospf any any
  80 permit ospf any
  90 permit ospf any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-routingproto2
  10 permit udp any eq 1985
  20 permit 112 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-snmp
  10 permit udp any any eq snmp
  20 permit udp any any eq snmptrap
ip access-list copp-system-acl-ssh
  10 permit tcp any any eq 22
  20 permit tcp any eq 22 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-stftp
  10 permit udp any any eq tftp
  20 permit udp any any eq 1758
  30 permit udp any eq tftp any
  40 permit udp any eq 1758 any
  50 permit tcp any any eq 115
  60 permit tcp any eq 115 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-tacacsradius
  10 permit tcp any any eq tacacs
  20 permit tcp any eq tacacs any
  30 permit udp any any eq 1812
  40 permit udp any any eq 1813
  50 permit udp any any eq 1645
  60 permit udp any any eq 1646
  70 permit udp any eq 1812 any
  80 permit udp any eq 1813 any
  90 permit udp any eq 1645 any
  100 permit udp any eq 1646 any
ip access-list copp-system-acl-telnet
  10 permit tcp any any eq telnet
  20 permit tcp any any eq 107
  30 permit tcp any eq telnet any
  40 permit tcp any eq 107 any
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-v6routingProto2
  10 permit udp any ff02::0066/128 eq 2029
  20 permit udp any ff02::00fb/128 eq 5353
  30 permit 112 any ff02::0012/128
ipv6 access-list copp-system-acl-v6routingproto1
  10 permit 89 any ff02::0005/128
  20 permit 89 any ff02::0006/128
  30 permit udp any ff02::0009/128 eq 521
ip access-list copp-system-dhcp-relay
  10 permit udp any eq bootps any eq bootps
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-icmp
  match access-group name copp-system-acl-icmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-ntp
  match access-group name copp-system-acl-ntp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-arp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-bfd
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-bpdu
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dai
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-default
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dhcpreq
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dhcpresp
  match access-group name copp-system-dhcp-relay
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-dpss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-eigrp
  match access-group name copp-system-acl-eigrp
  match access-group name copp-system-acl-eigrp6
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-glean
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-igmp
  match access-group name copp-system-acl-igmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ipmcmiss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l2switched
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3destmiss
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3mtufail
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-l3slowpath
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-mpls
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-pimautorp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-pimreg
  match access-group name copp-system-acl-pimreg
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ping
  match access-group name copp-system-acl-ping
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ptp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-routingProto1
  match access-group name copp-system-acl-routingproto1
  match access-group name copp-system-acl-v6routingproto1
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-routingProto2
  match access-group name copp-system-acl-routingproto2
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-selfIp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-ttl1
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-v6routingProto2
  match access-group name copp-system-acl-v6routingProto2
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-s-vxlan
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-snmp
  match access-group name copp-system-acl-snmp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-ssh
  match access-group name copp-system-acl-ssh
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-stftp
  match access-group name copp-system-acl-stftp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-tacacsradius
  match access-group name copp-system-acl-tacacsradius
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-telnet
  match access-group name copp-system-acl-telnet
policy-map type control-plane copp-system-policy 
  class copp-s-selfIp
    police pps 500 
  class copp-s-default
    police pps 400 
  class copp-s-l2switched
    police pps 200 
  class copp-s-ping
    police pps 100 
  class copp-s-l3destmiss
    police pps 100 
  class copp-s-glean
    police pps 500 
  class copp-s-l3mtufail
    police pps 100 
  class copp-s-ttl1
    police pps 100 
  class copp-s-ipmcmiss
    police pps 400 
  class copp-s-l3slowpath
    police pps 100 
  class copp-s-dhcpreq
    police pps 300 
  class copp-s-dhcpresp
    police pps 300 
  class copp-s-dai
    police pps 300 
  class copp-s-igmp
    police pps 400 
  class copp-s-routingProto2
    police pps 1300 
  class copp-s-v6routingProto2
    police pps 1300 
  class copp-s-eigrp
    police pps 200 
  class copp-s-pimreg
    police pps 200 
  class copp-s-pimautorp
    police pps 200 
  class copp-s-routingProto1
    police pps 1000 
  class copp-s-arp
    police pps 200 
  class copp-s-ptp
    police pps 1000 
  class copp-s-vxlan
    police pps 1000 
  class copp-s-bfd
    police pps 350 
  class copp-s-bpdu
    police pps 12000 
  class copp-s-dpss
    police pps 1000 
  class copp-s-mpls
    police pps 100 
  class copp-icmp
    police pps 200 
  class copp-telnet
    police pps 500 
  class copp-ssh
    police pps 500 
  class copp-snmp
    police pps 500 
  class copp-ntp
    police pps 100 
  class copp-tacacsradius
    police pps 400 
  class copp-stftp
    police pps 400 
  service-policy input copp-system-policy 
hardware profile portmode 64x10G

snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0x662d1706b4ab8742f83e237d89703334 priv 0x662d1706b4ab8742f83e237d89703334 localizedkey
snmp-server enable traps bridge newroot
snmp-server enable traps bridge topologychange
snmp-server enable traps stpx inconsistency
snmp-server enable traps stpx root-inconsistency
snmp-server enable traps stpx loop-inconsistency

vlan 1
vrf context management

interface Ethernet1/1

interface Ethernet1/2

interface Ethernet1/3

interface Ethernet1/4

interface Ethernet1/5

interface Ethernet1/6

interface Ethernet1/7

interface Ethernet1/8

interface Ethernet1/9

interface Ethernet1/10

interface Ethernet1/11

interface Ethernet1/12

interface Ethernet1/13

interface Ethernet1/14

interface Ethernet1/15

interface Ethernet1/16

interface Ethernet1/17

interface Ethernet1/18

interface Ethernet1/19

interface Ethernet1/20

interface Ethernet1/21

interface Ethernet1/22

interface Ethernet1/23

interface Ethernet1/24

interface Ethernet1/25

interface Ethernet1/26

interface Ethernet1/27

interface Ethernet1/28

interface Ethernet1/29

interface Ethernet1/30

interface Ethernet1/31

interface Ethernet1/32

interface Ethernet1/33

interface Ethernet1/34

interface Ethernet1/35

interface Ethernet1/36

interface Ethernet1/37

interface Ethernet1/38

interface Ethernet1/39

interface Ethernet1/40

interface Ethernet1/41

interface Ethernet1/42

interface Ethernet1/43

interface Ethernet1/44

interface Ethernet1/45

interface Ethernet1/46

interface Ethernet1/47

interface Ethernet1/48

interface Ethernet1/49/1

interface Ethernet1/49/2

interface Ethernet1/49/3

interface Ethernet1/49/4

interface Ethernet1/50/1

interface Ethernet1/50/2

interface Ethernet1/50/3

interface Ethernet1/50/4

interface Ethernet1/51/1

interface Ethernet1/51/2

interface Ethernet1/51/3

interface Ethernet1/51/4

interface Ethernet1/52/1

interface Ethernet1/52/2

interface Ethernet1/52/3

interface Ethernet1/52/4

interface mgmt0
  vrf member management
  ip address
line console
line vty
boot kickstart bootflash:/n3000-uk9-kickstart.6.0.2.U5.1.bin 
boot system bootflash:/n3000-uk9.6.0.2.U5.1.bin 

switch# dir
        660    Jan 30 09:54:07 2010  20100130_095304_poap_3998_init.log
       1398    Nov 12 08:10:13 2019  20191112_080835_poap_3839_init.log
          0    Jul 09 00:29:46 2020  20200709_002946_poap_3838_init.log
        168    Feb 29 05:00:49 2024  20240229_050008_poap_3838_init.log
        660    Dec 12 10:05:38 2016  NEXUS3KFEAT02122016.lic
      16384    Nov 14 08:46:48 2016  lost+found/
   37734400    Jan 30 09:27:33 2010  n3000-uk9-kickstart.6.0.2.U5.1.bin
  189984434    Jan 30 09:48:39 2010  n3000-uk9.6.0.2.U5.1.bin
       4096    Jan 30 09:52:16 2010  vdc_2/
       4096    Jan 30 09:52:16 2010  vdc_3/
       4096    Jan 30 09:52:16 2010  vdc_4/
       4096    Jan 30 09:52:19 2010  virtual-instance/

Usage for bootflash://
  357916672 bytes used
 1537253376 bytes free
 1895170048 bytes total
switch# sh vlaswitch# sh vlan 

VLAN Name                             Status    Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1    default                          active    Eth1/1, Eth1/2, Eth1/3, Eth1/4
                                                Eth1/5, Eth1/6, Eth1/7, Eth1/8
                                                Eth1/9, Eth1/10, Eth1/11
                                                Eth1/12, Eth1/13, Eth1/14
                                                Eth1/15, Eth1/16, Eth1/17
                                                Eth1/18, Eth1/19, Eth1/20
                                                Eth1/21, Eth1/22, Eth1/23
                                                Eth1/24, Eth1/25, Eth1/26
                                                Eth1/27, Eth1/28, Eth1/29
                                                Eth1/30, Eth1/31, Eth1/32
                                                Eth1/33, Eth1/34, Eth1/35
                                                Eth1/36, Eth1/37, Eth1/38
                                                Eth1/39, Eth1/40, Eth1/41
                                                Eth1/42, Eth1/43, Eth1/44
                                                Eth1/45, Eth1/46, Eth1/47
                                                Eth1/48, Eth1/49/1, Eth1/49/2
                                                Eth1/49/3, Eth1/49/4, Eth1/50/1
                                                Eth1/50/2, Eth1/50/3, Eth1/50/4
                                                Eth1/51/1, Eth1/51/2, Eth1/51/3
                                                Eth1/51/4, Eth1/52/1, Eth1/52/2
                                                Eth1/52/3, Eth1/52/4

VLAN Type  Vlan-mode
---- ----- ----------
1    enet  CE     
Primary  Secondary  Type             Ports
-------  ---------  ---------------  -------------------------------------------

switch# sh swiswitch# sh swi
switch-profile   switchname       
switch# sh switch
% Ambiguous command at '^' marker.
switch# switch# sh switch
■ 保証期間: NC/NRでお願いします。
■ 発送方法: 佐川/ヤマト運輸(運送会社のご指定はできません。)

■ 入札前にご確認ください
    * 上記以外のチェックは行なっておりません。その他詳細はすべて未確認です。
    * 電話応対は不可です。取引ナビ及び質問欄でご連絡ください。
    * 多忙な為、リアルタイムの返答はできかねますので余裕をもっての投稿・質問をお願い致します
    * 質問落札後の対応は営業時間(平日9:00~17:00)内になります。
    * 落札物到着後のサポート・使用方法の問合せにはお答えする事は出来ません
    * 当方も別業者さんから譲られたものなので詳しい事情、パスワード及び分解痕跡などの確認することはできません。
    * 連絡事項がある場合、受領後48時間以内に取引ナビでご連絡お願いします。
    * 現状の状態を分かりやすく表記するようにしておりますが、程度の基準相違や表記しきれない部分もあります。神経質な方は入札をご遠慮ください。
    * 中古品につきましては、可能な限り清掃し出品しておりますが、ヨゴレ等が多少残っている場合もあります。予めご了承ください。
    * 中古品につきましては、画像は特別な記載がない限り「現品」です。画像にて状態をご確認ください。
    * ジャンク、現状品、保証なし商品については、いかなる場合(万一のスペック記載違い含む)においても保証・返品・クレーム対象外でお願いします。
    * ジャンク扱い商品については、記載の瑕疵が悪化する、または記載の瑕疵に起因し記載以外の瑕疵が発生する可能性もあります。
    * 落札して頂いた後全く連絡か取れない方か多く、イタズラ入札が多発しております。申し訳ありませんが、新規さまの方のご入札はご遠慮いただいております。ご入札頂きましても削除させていただく場合がありますので、ご了承下さい。
